Polyurethane Rubberized Sports Flooring System

(Indoor System)
Polyurethane rubberized sports flooring system is a seamless, point elastic, indoor sports flooring system. The particularly of this system lies in the application of the installed prefabricated rubber mat, pore sealer, wear a coat, and top coat. The system offers players maximum comfort and excellent safety.
The high-performance, seamless PU Sports surface system is non-porous, therefore hygienic, and easy to clean. The systems provide the optimum slide and slip resistance required in today’s most demanding sports. it comes in various colors. can be applied the thickness by a maximum of 3 cm – 5 cm.

uses & applications
  • Indoor Sport Halls
  • Gym Sport

EPDM Rubber Tile

(Indoor System)
EPDM (ethylene propylene diene methylene) rubber is synthetic and is used for various uses including playground surfaces and sports flooring purposes. It is safe and non-toxic, which makes it a great option for children's playgrounds. it comes in various colors. can be applied the thickness by a maximum of 5 cm.

Uses & Applications

  • Playgrounds
  • Resistance to UV exposure
  • Resistance to varying and extreme weather
  • Remains stable in extremely low and high temperatures
  • Waterproof to drain effectively after rainstorms
  • Low conductivity for electricity
  • Will not become brittle over time
  • Cushioning to guard against falls
  • Absorbs noise
  • Available in multiple stylish color choices
  • Easy to clean
  • Cost-effective material
  • Eco-friendly, as it often consists of recycled materials

Athletic Track System

(Outdoor System)
An all-weather running track is a rubberized, artificial running surface for track and field athletics. It provides a consistent surface for competitors to test their athletic ability unencumbered by adverse weather conditions. Historically, various forms of dirt, rocks, sand and crushed cinders were used. it comes in various colors. can be applied the thickness by a maximum of 5 cm.

    uses & applications
    • Running Tracks

Acrylic-Coated Tennis Court Floor

Acrylic-coated tennis court surfaces are popular. The acrylic surface can be either non-cushioned or cushioned. They are suited to all levels of coaching and training and are used at many tournament venues around the world.

An acrylic surfaced tennis court is an application of multiple layers of acrylic material (e.g., resin, paint, etc.) on a base surface, commonly concrete or asphalt. There is a wide selection of proprietary acrylic surface systems available. In very basic terms, an acrylic surface comprises of applying an initial (filler) coat(s) to the base surface and then applying the final-colored coats. The composition and application method of the acrylic material has a direct influence on the playing characteristics of the court.